Thursday, April 15, 2010

Food is Good

Fresh produce from the Hollywood Farmers Market

Has it happened to you, that when you start getting information about something it suddenly seems to be everywhere? It has happened to me many times. The latest thing which appears to be following me everywhere I look is food. Not just any food, but good food. Healthy food, ecological food. Clean food.
It all started when Mikki and I watched two documentaries, the scary (in a "oh-my-god-you-can't-eat-anything-anymore" kind of way) Food Inc. and a very fascinating documentary Water, The Great Mystery, which focuses on how this vital fluid is actually affected by anything and everything that surrounds it. Trust me, after watching this docu, you'll be extra kind to your water!
Then I came across this link to Jamie Oliver's TED talk, and who hasn't been hearing about his Food Revolution!?
To top it all off I read something about buying fresh food from local farmers in a blog post. The idea is that you sign up on the CSA website, and for $20 a week you get a basket of fresh produce (fruit, veggies and herbs - eggs and meat can be ordered additionally). Basically it's a group of local farmers that contribute their products to these baskets. The contents varies every week. So once a week (saturday morning in our case) you head to a location (usually a parking lot), where you pick up your extremely fresh, organic food from your local farmers - all in one box - no extra packaging. You don't get to choose what you get, which forces you, in a very positive way, to eat a wide variety of food that is currently in season.
Needless to say, Mikki and I signed up for it the other day and we'll be picking up our first basket this saturday!

1 comment:

  1. awesome! I've been watching all the same things (food inc, food revolution, etc) and have become more conscious about the food I buy + eat now, too.
